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Is your property ready for mobile access locks?

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Access control company Kaba Access and Data Systems wrote a white paper for hoteliers to determine their readiness for mobile access locks.

While the mobile access hotel door locks trend is starting to boom this year, the technology may not be right for all hotels. Access control company Kaba Access and Data Systems, which provides the Saflok and ILCO electronic locks, wrote a white paper for hoteliers to determine their readiness for mobile access locks.

There is a three-step process that hoteliers need to answer:

● Is your property equipped with RFID door locks? Is there demand from your guests for secure mobile access? Will mobile access add value to your property?

● Identify your motivation for going mobile. There are marketing benefits, such as becoming an innovation technology leader, and creating a stronger branded loyalty program. There are also operational benefits, such as lighter front desk check-in and reduced labor costs associated with that.

● Evaluate the implementation process for a secure mobile strategy. According to Alastair Cush, director of product marketing at Kaba, steps 1 and 2 are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to mobile implementation. The technology involved and operational steps required for a smooth, well-executed rollout lie beneath the surface.

There are six elements of the decision process that should be considered:

● Open a dialogue with your PMS vendor on the criteria needed to develop a function mobile key interface.

● Develop a process with your PMS vendor that addresses your company’s process to manage and message virtual check-ins on day of arrival.

● Verify your loyalty program is able to interact with guests who book and use your hotel app.

● Analyze the impact of mobile access on your other systems.

● Evaluate app development. Examine ease of use and security features.

● Address non-technology issues, such as marketing and communication, security procedures, legal issues and how you will issue additional keys for non-mobile guests or children.

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