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Why Hotels Should Up Their Social Media Ante

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Hotels, especially small and mid-sized who don’t have enough budget and time to spend on marketing often take the social media route to connect with guests.

I’m sure you all agree with social media being touted as a goldmine of free advertising for businesses. Hotels, especially small and mid-sized who don’t have enough budget and time to spend on marketing their hotel through traditional advertisements often take the social media route to connect with guests. Since the hospitality industry runs purely on building and nurturing guest relationships, what better than social media?

It also gives your guests a platform to tell their friends and family their whereabouts through pictures, check-ins, dining at restaurants or reviews. This information is also visible to their networking circle, thus multiplying your reach.

Here are some more benefits of social indulging for hotels:

Pushes traffic to website

All of us know that setting up a website is simple but promoting and expanding its presence on internet is a tricky thing. Connecting and engaging with customers on social media would have chances of driving them to your hotel’s website to further explore about the amenities and make a booking.

Allows direct interaction with guests

Social media lets you connect and personally engage with guests through photos, videos, reviews and posts. This helps enhance guest satisfaction levels.

Increases revenue

Social media contributes to increased revenues and reputation of the brand. Since your hotel is exposed to a wider audience with followers who talk about your hotel through reviews, this will help you build a stronger connect with audience and establish credibility. Social media channels like Facebook offer the option of adding a Book Now button to your page, thereby increasing possibilities of direct sales to your hotel.

Saves advertisement costs

Social media allows businesses to add their details such as logo, location and more. When people look up for your hotel, they find your information easily and on liking the page, they get to see constant updates on your timeline about your hotel, services and amenities. This process lets them see and remember your hotel. This is definitely cheaper than investing in large scale advertisements like banner ads and hoardings.

Social media is a great platform and once you master it, you can develop amazing marketing strategies to attract guests and turn them into loyal patrons.

About the author

Manisha Pathak is a content writer at Hotelogix. Hotelogix can help hotels automate their businesses through its cloud based property management system. It can help generate revenues, increase occupancy, manage room inventories, handle reservations and improve brand visibility. Its cloud PMS can be readily accessed from anywhere, even from phones and tablets. Cloud based hotel management software can play a crucial role in a small hotelier’s success.


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