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Leisurely strolling and Mind-Purifying in Wuxi

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Wuxi Shanse Grand Hotel is indeed a paradise where you can talk with nature as you can appreciate the rainy scenery near the mountain.


Just as an old saying goes, "Of all the mountains in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Mount Jiuhua is the best due to its fascinating scenery of Wuxi.” Even the emperor Yuanzong of Yuan dynasty highly praised the landscape of Wuxi, “much more beautiful than the painter ‘s painting " when passing through this mountainous area. Among the picturesque views there lies a gorgeous hotel, which nestles under the Mount Jiuhua and by the side of a graceful river. It is a paradise of both nature and leisure.


Enjoy the Extreme Leisure in the Paradise of Nature

Wuxi Shanse Grand Hotel is indeed a paradise where you can talk with nature as you can appreciate the rainy scenery near the mountain, enjoy the twinkle stars in the sky at night, meanwhile, you will also experience the feeling of finding yourself in the natural beauty of lakes and mountains after listening to the trickling fountain.

Located in the Mount Jiuhua Scenic Area, Wuxi Shanse Grand Hotel possesses a delightful character endowed by its unique natural conditions. The decoration combines the traditional style of Huizhou and modern design, which reflects historic culture of Han and Tang dynasty and highlights the natural landscape. It is a good enjoyment to stroll or sit-fish by the lake or taste the local specialties by the window of the hall.

You can never miss the exercise in such a comfortable environment. With the province's largest, most full and most advanced facilities of outdoor expand training base, you can undoubtedly experience a truly outdoor tour. Other leisure and entertainment facilities include golf, ping-pong, tennis, chess, spa, shopping, zen tea performance.


 A Mind Baptism of Zen Culture

Living in the current society, it is inevitable to confront the pressure of work, physical temptation and nature isolation. Keeping a quiet heart becomes uneasy.

However, vanity and distractions can be removed by the method of zen relaxation. Characterized by culture of zen relaxation, Wuxi Shanse Grand Hotel has special connection with Buddism for its adjacency with Mount Jiuhua, one of the four sacred mountains of Chinese Buddhism.

Away from offices of those high-rise buildings, come here to start a journey of mind purification. Firstly, change into a set of meditation clothes, and then taste simple zen food to get close to what life looks like. Later, listen to wise master’s ideas and thoughts, bathing the wisdom of Buddhist culture.

If you feel too much pressure, come to Wuxi to relax, purify body and mind, give yourself a chance of returning to basics.


Folk Custom

Huangmei Opera

As one of the five most famous operas in China, Huangmei Opera originated in Anhui Province in early tang dynasty. It has developed from the folk and gradually to the cities, thus featuring the enjoyment of both highbrows and lowbrows. With a history that is more than two hundred years, Huangmei Opera is popular not only at home, but also gains foreigners ‘love, getting a reputation of “Country music of China”.

Travelling in Anhui Province, it becomes a must-do to go to the Huangmei Opera to enjoy the excellent performance, having a taste of local culture and history.

Huizhou Cuisine

Just as Huizhou Culture is an indispensable part of Chinese civilization, Huizhou Cuisine is key to Huizhou Culture. Different regional cuisines form based on its own history. For Huizhou Cuisine, the highly development of economy and culture in the Southern Song dynasty facilitated its formation. Pay much attention to oil, color, firepower, Huizhou Cuisine is well received around the world.

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