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Lodging Interactive Launches HotelSiteXPRESS

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

The digital marketing firm provides affordable, month-to-month website solutions.

Lodging Interactive, the digital marketing and social media engagement firm exclusively serving the hospitality industry, today announced it has launched HotelSiteXPRESS, an affordable website design solution for hotels. HotelSiteXPRESS provides hotels with a unique website ownership opportunity versus lengthy rental programs offered by competitors.

This is the latest endeavor for the New Jersey based firm, which saw a need for an affordable website solution upon hearing of the difficulties many hoteliers faced after signing up for lost-cost rental websites.

"HotelSiteXPRESS addresses a marketplace need for smaller properties that want to upgrade their website presence but don't have large budgets to do so. The service also enables the properties to own their websites, versus having to be stuck in long term website rental agreement," said DJ Vallauri, Founder and President of Lodging Interactive.

"Each HotelSiteXPRESS website includes a responsive design built on a WordPress Content Management System (CMS) providing hoteliers with complete control of their websites," added Vallauri.

While other vendors lock hoteliers into multi-year agreements, HotelSiteXPRESS offers month-to-month agreements, starting at just $425 per month. A streamlined onboarding process provides for quick implementations within 10 days. HotelSiteXPRESS is also booking engine independent, which enables hoteliers to select their preferred booking engine without being forced into expensive booking engine solutions.

Features of HotelSiteXPRESS include:

Modern Hotel Themed Designs - Hotels select from large, visually appealing site designs.

Mobile-Friendly - Sites are responsive and render properly on all devices.

Low, Monthly Fee - Fraction of traditional site design, starting at just $425.

Easy CMS - Includes WordPress CMS, intuitive system for site management.

Fast Setup - Websites can be up and running in less than 10 days.

Owned by Property - No renting of the website. Hoteliers own it outright.

Search Engine Optimized - Sites are optimized for Google, Bing & Yahoo.

No Hidden Hosting Costs - Hosting costs are built in, so there's no added fee.

Google Analytics Included - View real-time site data from the website dashboard.

Booking Engine Integration - Integrate any booking engine.

Hoteliers have the option of choosing from nine website designs (with more coming soon), created specifically for the hospitality industry and built with the WordPress Content Management System. This allows hotels the flexibility of modifying their content while not being held captive by a proprietary content management system that is exclusive to the agency the hotelier is working with.

"We set out to provide modern, responsive websites that look great across all screens at a price point smaller properties can afford," says Vallauri. "HotelSiteXPRESS also provides hotels ownership and should they elect to, the flexibility to host the website themselves without the need of an agency."

In addition to creating a new website for their hotel, hoteliers can also add a number of premium, al a carte services that include Search Engine Marketing, Display Advertising, Social Media Marketing, 24/7 Social Customer Care, Email Marketing, Video Production, and Reputation Management, all provided by Lodging Interactive's award-winning team.

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