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Five Tips to Address Hotel Liability Concerns

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Guest comfort and guest safety go hand in hand, but liability concerns exist in every hotel property.

Here are five tips to keep hotels working efficiently and keeping both guests and the property safe.

1. Safety meetings should be held regularly to refresh memories and make guest and employee safety a habit. Harry Gorstayn, GM at the Radisson Blu Mall of America, in Bloomington, Minn., said hotels should set parameters so they know what to expect. “Hotels can save a lot of money following little details,” Gorstayn said. “Important things add up and, if everyone is safe, business will pick up and you won’t give money back to insurance companies.”

2. Hotels are adopting more and more services to streamline the guest experience in areas such as check-in and reservations, but evolving technology always introduces new vulnerabilities. Operational solutions, such as keycards that allow guests to visit only the floor their room is on, can cut down on unwanted people wandering every floor.

3. Employee training has never been more important. From recognizing when to stop serving guests alcohol to knowing what sites not to visit to avoid facing data theft, training can help prevent problems from surfacing before they appear.

4. Outdoor lighting, especially in parking areas, should be maintained. Hired security can help secure parking areas and, when hiring security, consider hiring privately. Security on staff will care about the property as much as its GM.

5. Staff should keep an eye out for the flooring in areas where drinks are often carried. Spills will happen and, when spotted, should be taken care of promptly. Installing bumpy or grooved flooring in areas vulnerable to water can help avoid falls as well.


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