W Hong Kong announced to launch an in-room-dining menu curated by yoga instructor Tara Stiles. W Hong Kong W Hong Kong has launched an in-room-dining menu curated by yoga instructor Tara Stiles. The menu was specifically created for the “jet-setting” W traveler and was inspired by Stiles’ global travels and active lifestyle. The menu includes offerings such as Thai papaya salad — raw vegetables tossed with garlic, chili and lime juice, designed to minimize the effect of jet lag — as well as Tara’s Never Get Sick Soup, which blends hot sauce, coconut milk, ginger, curry powder, red pepper flakes and nutritional yeast. Stiles has been a W Hotels partner since May 2014 when she launched Fit with Tara Stiles, a program offering in-room workout videos and workout tip cards for guests. “Travelers are constantly seeking new ways to stay in shape while on the road," Stiles said. "These simple yet delicious recipes are designed to get weary travelers back on their feet quickly and ready for their next adventure.” |