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Wanda Eyes US Hotels

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

  Dalian Wanda Group, the world"s largest movie theater owner, is looking into hotel acquisition opportunities in the US, its chairman said Monday.

  Dalian Wanda Group, the world"s largest movie theater owner, is looking into hotel acquisition opportunities in the US, its chairman said Monday.

  Wanda, which also has interests in real estate, tourism and department stores, will invest $10 billion in the US over the next decade and is in talks with famous hotel brands for acquisitions in New York, Los Angeles, and the Washington DC area, Wanda"s chairman Wang Jianlin told Reuters in an interview.

  "We are in discussions with hotel management companies in the United States and are seeking opportunities for mergers and acquisitions; and we are in negotiations with the city governments of Washington DC, New York City and other American cities for the construction of hotels, department stores and commercial properties," Wang said.

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