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Westin Helps Guests Get In Shape On The Road

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

  The Westin Beijing Chaoyang recently launched a sports outfitter lease, making it easier for guests to exercise during their stay in the capital.

Westin Helps Guests Get In Shape On The Road

  "It doesn"t matter if you can pack your sneakers and outfits in your suitcase," says Ryan Zhao, workout manager of the hotel.

  For $5, the hotel"s guests now borrow running shoes with disposable insoles, as well as a variety of New Balance apparel, including shorts, shirts and socks for men and shorts, capri pants, shirts, sports bras and socks for women.

  "This will help them stay fit and healthy as they travel on the road," Ryan adds, emphasizing the hotel is always dedicated to making fitness convenient for travelers.

  The campaign at The Westin Beijing Chaoyang is part of a global program launched by Westin Hotels & Resorts in partnership with New Balance.

  Westin"s decision was driven by enthusiastic feedback from participants of a pilot program initiated in 10 target markets in 2010.

  In addition to shoes and clothing, the Westin Beijing Chaoyang also offers a wide range of workout plans to cater to the interests of its guests, such as the RunWestin, a group run that allows participants to enjoy fresh air and local scenery.

  More than 20 guests last Saturday morning jogged their way to the Summer Palace, the destination of a running route designed by the hotel in cooperation with New Balance.

  They expect to work out additional running routes ranging from 5-8 kilometers in the future.

  Guests also have access to specially designed fitness programs for travelers and other useful workout tips.

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