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Jin Jiang International Hotel Has New Opening In Yancheng City

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

  Jin Jiang International Hotel Management Company Ltd. Announces the Opening of Mingcheng Jin Jiang Hotel in Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province, China.

 the exterior of Mincheng Jin Jiang Hotel, Yancheng city
 the exterior of Mincheng Jin Jiang Hotel, Yancheng city

  Jin Jiang International Hotel Management Company Ltd officially announces the opening of their new hotel with Jiangsu Bright Investment Co. Ltd. in Yancheng city, Jiangsu, scheduled to open in May, 2013.

  Mr. Bernold O. Schroeder, Chief Executive Officer of Jin Jiang International Hotel Management Company Ltd. states in regards to the opening,"We are looking forward to the opening of this hotel, which will join a number of hotels we have currently operating inJiangsu province. It will, however, be the first Jin Jiang hotel to open in Yancheng city which is a great destination spot for tourists and business travelers alike and will allow us to truly showcase our hospitality services and to make a positive lasting presence in the city. "

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