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Aman Unveils Third Chinese Property in Lijiang

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Luxury resort group Aman has opened their third property in China, Amandayan, which located in the UNESCO-protected town of Lijiang one of China’s most scenic towns.


Call it local chic or locally-driven design. Hands down, a sense of place is a must-have for almost any designer working today. The challenge is putting a fresh spin in how to do that. The team behind Amandayan, Lijiang, though, had a leg up. Not only is the 35-room hotel situated above a UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) site, it also features a courtyard that dates back to 1725.

So, adding in references to the local Nakhi culture finished off a picture already half painted. Locally-produced embroidery and Yunnan pine from Shangri-La keep those local touches front and center. Stone references nearby mountains.


The hotel also offers several dining options and a spa with six treatment rooms. “Adhering to the Aman philosophy, this property takes a one-of-a-kind location, explores every facet of its history; then incorporates culture, comfort and a personal touch to create a retreat that truly complements its surroundings” said Olivier Jolivet, CEO of Aman.

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