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World’s First Panda Hotel Opens In China

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

  The Haoduo Panda Hotel, which lies at the foot of Emei Mountain in southwest China"s Sichuan province, is the first hotel of its kind in the world.


  These images show the soft opening of a new hotel in China, in which pandas parade through the halls and wait on the guests.

  The Haoduo Panda Hotel, which lies at the foot of Emei Mountain in southwest China"s Sichuan province, is the first hotel of its kind in the world.

  The rooms are decorated with panda pictures and cuddly toy pandas sit on the beds, tables and chairs. The staff even dress in panda costumes to entertain the guests.

  The hotel will officially open in May with room rates from 300 ($48) to 500 yuan per night.

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