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Budget Hotels Fined For Poor Hygiene

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

  Four budget hotels in Shanghai have been fined for having poor hygiene, the Shanghai healthsupervision department said.

  Four budget hotels in Shanghai have been fined for having poor hygiene, the Shanghai healthsupervision department said.

  In a recent citywide hotel inspection campaign, more than 400 economy hotel outlets wereexamined. Among them four hotels were fined for operating a business without receiving apublic health permit.

  The four hotels are branches of two well-known hotel chains. Two of them belong to theGreenTree Inns chain. The other two belong to the 7 Days Inn hotel chain.

  The four hotels are required to apply for health permits, officials from Shanghai HealthSupervision Agency said.

  Nearly 30 percent of hotels checked were found to have hygiene problems. The hotels wereasked to rectify the concerns within a certain timeframe.

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