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GreenTree Inn Development in Xinjiang Market

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Xinjiang tourism industry drives the fast development of Xinjiang hospitality industry. Some famous chain hotels already successfully entered Xinjiang market.


Xinjiang is located in the westernmost geographical position of China. Abundant tourism resources and fantastic views make Xinjiang to be a bright pearl to all domestic and international visitors. What’s more, vibrant Xinjiang tourism industry drives the fast development of Xinjiang hospitality industry. Specifically, some famous chain hotels already successfully entered Xinjiang market, for instance Jinjiang Inn, GreenTree Inn and Home Inn.

There three strengths and opportunities are the main reasons to all chain hotel groups to march into Xinjiang hospitality industry. First of all, the superiority of tourist source market. According to latest data, in the period of 7 days Spring Festival holiday, near 1,082,500 travelers visited Xinjiang. Moreover, the majority of these visitors are price-sensitive domestic travelers. Hence, relying on the steady tourist resource, the price advantage of chain hotel has been highlighted. For example, GreenTree Inn’s room rate ranges from ¥169 to ¥269 which makes it become the preferred choice to most visitors.

Secondly, tourism macro environment is dynamic and vigorous. West traveling and “the Silk Road” traveling are the most popular travel plans in recent. Apparently, Xinjiang market is a profitable and promising opportunity to chain hotels. The manager of GreenTree Inn marketing department, Mr. Yang Deyong states that GreenTree Inn makes a steady and fast progress in Xinjiang market, meanwhile, there is a continuous increase of check-in guests.

Finally, the blossom of travel industry has been propelled by intellectualization. The distribution channels of most Xinjiang independent hotels are traditional and simplex. Nonetheless, intellectualized APP is the leader in this day and age. Chain hotel APP plays a significant role in guests’ consumption decision. Regard GreenTree Inn APP as an example, it has a momentous intellectualized upgrade in 2015 which includes three new functions “One-Click Wi-Fi”, “Self Check-in Service” and “Hourly Rate Hotel Rooms Online Reservation”.

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