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Hotel Interview: Choice CEO Joyce Discusses New HQ

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

  HOTELS spoke with Steve Joyce, Choice Hotels International president and CEO.

  On Monday, Choice Hotels International employees will begin working at the company"s new headquarters in Rockville, Maryland.

  The new building, which Choice is leasing from Rockville-based developer Foulger-Pratt Companies, features open staircases, airy workspaces with low walls, a myriad of outdoor spaces and indoor non-conference room meeting areas. Wi-Fi is available throughout the building, a move designed to encourage associates to work anywhere, not just at their workstations.

  While the move is only 13 miles (21 km) from the company’s current headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland, it is indicative of a large shift the company is going through. To find out more, HOTELS spoke with Steve Joyce, Choice Hotels International president and CEO.

Steve Joyce, Choice Hotels International president and CEO, sits at his new desk.
Steve Joyce, Choice Hotels International president and CEO, sits at his new desk.

  HOTELS: What does the headquarters move symbolize?

  Steve Joyce: Choice is entering a new era with a strong connection to the past and what got us here. We are focusing on upscale with Cambria Suites and Ascend Collection, we are going to be big internationally in Europe, we signed an agreement with Bluegreen Vacation Club Resorts to be in vacation rentals in a big way and we just launched an IT company, SkyTouch Technology. We used to be the place people stayed on their way to a destination — now we want to be the destination and this new headquarters is inspiring our folks to think that way.

  HOTELS: What is the expected impact of the move internally and externally?

  Joyce: It is a building that will build on Choice’s reputation as being a great day to work — it will improve our access to talent.

  For the community is it huge, we’re moving 400 people over there, bringing a lot of spending power. Our guys are already getting discounts to every place in the center.

  In terms of environmental impact, the building is Gold LEED-certified and we are saving 40% of water usage compared to the previous headquarters. Our carbon footprint is going down a lot.

  HOTELS: What is the cost?

  Joyce: We started the headquarters switching process in the dark days of 2009, when the real estate market was at the bottom. Adding everything together, we are in the new building at the same cost as we were in the old building.

  HOTELS: What are the building’s unique points and spaces?

  Joyce: There are a lot of different things. The reception area looks like you are checking in at a hotel, and includes big open public spaces for our associates to have lunches and impromptu meetings. We didn’t have the space to do that before.

  The entire headquarters is completely technically enabled. There are screens everywhere, Wi-Fi everywhere.

  A community stairwell that allows everyone to see each other connects the entire building. The whole idea is transparency, accountability and performance and we expect the building design to help boost productivity.

  Another unique area is the fifth floor’s history wall, which tracks the history of Choice.

  HOTELS: Tell me about your new office.

  Joyce: It’s unbelievable. It has an Italian marble floor and a full bathroom with a shower and massage table — just kidding! It is a desk and a very nice conference table. Instead of crowning the king in his throne room, the room is about getting to work. We are trying to set a tone where ideas win, not rank or power, so there are no fun trappings unfortunately.

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