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VP Appointment At Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

  Susan K. Mason has been appointed vice president, Franchise Operations, Radisson atCarlson Rezidor Hotel Group in Minneapolis - MN, USA.

Susan K. Mason

  She will report to Javier Rosenberg, chief operating officer, Radisson, and executive vice president, owned and managed hotels, Americas.Mason’s key responsibilities will include overseeing operating performance and brand consistency for more than 100 franchised hotels. She is a key player in executing Ambition 2015, Carlson Rezidor’s strategy to reposition and elevate the Radisson brand in the Americas by upgrading the existing portfolio through major renovations and driving revenue and market share.

  Mason began her career with Carlson as an executive housekeeper in 1985, and was promoted through the ranks, serving in almost every area of hotel operations, including manager of guest services, executive assistant manager and general manager. Her operations roles have included Radisson properties in North America and Europe. In 2006, she was promoted to regional director of brand business for Radisson. Three years later, she was named senior regional director, Radisson, her most recent position.

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