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Senior Vice-President Global Sales Appointment At Accor

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

  Carlo Olejniczak has been appointed Senior Vice-President Global Sales at Accor in Paris, France.

Carlo Olejniczak
Carlo Olejniczak

  Carlo Olejniczak holds a Masters in International Commerce from the University of Paris-Sorbonne. He joined Accor in 2010 as Vice President Global Leisure Sales after working for three years as Vice-President of Sales & Marketing France for Disney. He will replace Cédric Gobilliard. Carlo will be responsible for defining Accor’s B-to-B sales strategy for all segments (large corporate accounts, event agencies, airlines, travel agents, tour operators) and coordinating the group’s 34 sales offices worldwide.

  He will notably focus on implementing Accor’s large-scale transformation projects in sales, namely the robust development of online distribution, the growing importance of emerging markets and the drive to become a key player in Meetings & Events.

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