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Hyatt Hotels Heiress Checks Into Obama"s Cabinet

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

President Barack Obama today named a billionaire businesswoman, Penny Pritzker, as his new secretary of Commerce.

  President Barack Obama today named a billionaire businesswoman, Penny Pritzker, as his new secretary of Commerce.  


    Wrapping up a busy week of nominations, the president also picked Michael Froman, one of his economic advisers, as U.S. trade representative.

  Obama made the announcement in the Rose Garden, shortly before flying off to Mexico. He called Pritzker "one of our country"s most distinguished business leaders."

  Pritzker sits on the board of Chicago-based Hyatt Hotels, which is owned by her family, and also co-founded Artemis Real Estate Partners. She was a member of the president"s jobs council, and Obama said she was the "driving force" behind Skills for America"s Future, a White House initiative designed to help businesses partner with community colleges on job-training programs.

  Obama"s friendship with Pritzker dates back to his days in Chicago, where she was a prominent civic leader. Pritzker also was a major fundraiser for Obama in his 2008 presidential campaign.

  She has long been considered to be in the running for Commerce secretary, but Obama waited until today -- her birthday -- to make the announcement.

  "For your birthday present you get to go through confirmation," Obama told her, with a knowing "heh-heh-heh" laugh. "It"s going to be great ... heh-heh-heh."

  Pritzker could face some tough questions. Unions last summer called for a global boycott of Hyatt Hotels, contending the company mistreated its housekeepers. The Pritzker family also owned a 50 percent stake in Superior Bank, a Hinsdale, Ill.-based subprime mortgage lender that failed in 2001. Pritzker served on the bank"s board, including a stint as chairman.

  Various business groups, however, issued statements of support for Pritzker"s nomination.

  The U.S. Travel Association is pleased that someone from the hospitality industry is taking the top job at the Commerce Department. Association CEO Roger Dow said Pritzker "brings unparalled credentials" to the job, which often is filled by a corporate executive. (The last permanent Commerce secretary was John Bryson, a former CEO of Edison International, who resigned last summer after back-to-back traffic accidents in California.)

  The National Association of Manufacturers pointed out her ties to manufacturing.

  "She comes from a family with a rich history in manufacturing as her uncle, Bob Pritzker, served as chairman of the NAM," said Jay Timmons, NAM"s president and CEO. "Penny has also partnered with manufacturers on important initiatives to address our nation"s critical need for skilled workers and understands the severity of the skills gap."

  Part of Pritzker"s job at Commerce will be to promote U.S. exports, and Froman will be a partner in that effort.

  Obama called Froman, who was a classmate of the president"s at Harvard Law School, "one of the world"s foremost experts on our global economy." Froman helped organize the G8 and G20 international summits, Obama said, and was a "key negotiator" alongside Ron Kirk, the former U.S. trade representative, on trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia and Panama.

  "He does not rest until he"s delivered the best possible deal for American businesses and American workers," Obama said. "He"s fought to make sure that countries that break the rules are held accountable."

  As USTR, Froman"s job will be to continue negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal and a new trade agreement with Europe.

  Froman "has the vision and experience to deliver," said Tom Donohue, president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

  "President Obama could not have made a better choice for our next U.S. Trade Representative," said Bill Reinsch, president of the National Foreign Trade Council. "The TPP and U.S.-EU trade negotiations are at the forefront of the U.S. trade agenda this year, and it is essential that we have a trade ambassador with experience negotiating and finalizing trade agreements."

  Obama"s choice for USTR even got praise from Republicans.

  "I am confident that his skills and experience will stand him in good stead as he leads the administration"s trade policy, and takes the helm at one of the most professional and productive agencies in the U.S. government,” said Rep. Dave Camp, R-Mich., who chairs the House Ways and Means Committee.

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