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Nearly 300 Hoteliers Converge on Capitol Hill

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

AH&LA members provide Congress with direction on key issues.

  Nearly 300 hoteliers from across the country are on Capitol Hill today as part of the American Hotel & Lodging Association (AH&LA) 2013 Legislative Action Summit (LAS). In nearly 200 appointments with key members of the House and Senate, delegates are sharing personal and industry-wide views on the impact of several key issues on their businesses. These include sequestration and its effect on domestic and international travel, and promotion of broad-based immigration reform, which includes the JOLT Act and other provisions to ensure increased border security and greater access to temporary workers.

  In advance of today’s congressional visits, hoteliers heard from prominent voices engaged in the current policy discussions in Washington, including Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD), and Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK).

  “Our members are spending today helping their members of Congress understand the impact of the lodging industry on the national economy, and more specifically in in every community across the country,” said Katherine Lugar, AH&LA president/CEO. “By understanding and supporting our priorities for growth, our legislators can help the lodging industry continue as an economic powerhouse by bringing more visitors to the U.S. and providing a robust workforce.”

  Secretary Napolitano highlighted the strong partnership between the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the lodging industry, including support of the “See Something, Say Something” campaign. She also discussed steps DHS has taken to create a welcoming entry process for incoming international travelers and what she expects to see from the Visa Waiver Program now that Taiwan has been added to the list of 37 partner countries. Napolitano also answered members questions regarding the role of DHS in the development of a broad-based solution to immigration reform.

  A leader of the Democratic Party for more than a decade, Hoyer plays an integral role in every issue brought before and decided by the House of Representatives. Hoyer shared his views on the current immigration debate, tax reform, and what House Democrats hope to accomplish in the 113th Congress, including the “Make it in America” initiative.

  Senator Collins provided LAS attendees with insights from her roles on the Senate Appropriations Committee and Select Committee on Intelligence. She has shown leadership on a wide range of issues of importance to the lodging industry, including homeland security, national defense, disaster response, business development, and healthcare. In addition, Senator Collins has long advocated on behalf of a robust lodging industry in Maine and across the country.

  The two-day conference also featured expert panels on travel, immigration, and regulatory issues, as well as remarks by Senator Murkowski, a champion on priorities important to the lodging industry. In addition, J.W. "Bill" Marriott, Jr., executive chairman and chairman of the board, Marriott International, Inc., was honored with the first “Voice of the Industry Award” for his significant contributions to enhance the profile of the lodging industry among the highest levels of government. Awards also were presented to state lodging leaders across the country for their work on behalf of the industry.

  AH&LA’s mobile app, available here, includes conference information. Hoteliers can also follow AH&LA and LAS event on Twitter at @AHLA using hash tag #LAS2013.

  LAS is supported by founding sponsor American Express, supporting sponsors Cornell University School of Hospitality Administration, HD Supply, Heartland Payment Systems, and media sponsors Hotel Business, Hotel Management, Lodging Magazine, and USA Today.

  Logos, product and company names mentioned are the property of their respective owners.

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