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Executive Chef Appointed At Sheraton Dongguan Hotel

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

  Sheraton Dongguan Hotel is honored to have Mr. Andrea Evaristi promoted as the Executive Chef. Prior to his new appointment, he played the role as Italian Chef de Cuisine in Luigi the best Italian Restaurant in Dongguan.


  Sheraton Dongguan Hotel is honored to have Mr. Andrea Evaristi promoted as the Executive Chef. Prior to his new appointment, he played the role as Italian Chef de Cuisine in Luigi the best Italian Restaurant in Dongguan in which obtained the new & old patrons’ high recognition and praise. Born in Italy, had served his culinary experience in Italy and in Guangdong Province with more than 10 years of hospitality experience in Food & Beverage. Andrea is a highly focused, dedicated and has a very good understanding of Food & Beverage. He compresses everything he thinks, sees and learns into cooking, not just the good quality of the ingredients but also the quality of the ideas.

  In his new role, Chef Andrea Evaristi will take charge of the whole kitchen and cuisine operation for the hotel, which including Botanica Brasserie, Luigi Italian Restaurant, Renzo Lounge, banquet operation as well as room services bringing the West to combine with the East cuisine. “The chef of the future need to step back and reflect more about how to serve the ingredients” quoted by Chef Andrea said. He will lead the F&B team to the great success with his years of experience and bring various kinds of foreign cuisine combine with the Chinese style into Dongguan!

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