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Marriott"s New Charitable Initiative Supporting Youth In China

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

   The J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation has committed 40.5 million RMB ($6.5 million) over five years to support China’s youth through the Marriott China Hospitality Education Initiative (CHEI).

   The J. Willard and Alice S. Marriott Foundation has committed 40.5 million RMB ($6.5 million) over five years to support China’s youth through the Marriott China Hospitality Education Initiative (CHEI), according to Marriott International, Inc.

  The purpose of this initiative is to enhance the hospitality education of Chinese youth, preparing them for rewarding careers in China’s booming travel and tourism industry. Marriott CHEI is now in the process of selecting 10 to 12 pilot schools for the upcoming academic year, and anticipates impacting up to 20,000 students annually in 50 schools within five years.

  Marriott CHEI will support China’s education system—among the world’s oldest and most respected—by expanding the existing hospitality curricula and programs for universities and vocational schools. The initiative’s ultimate goal is to help growing numbers of young Chinese, many from hard-pressed rural areas, climb the career ladders available in the hospitality industry.

  “We are customizing the program based on input from the industry and the impressive vocational schools and universities in China, and we hope to be part of a community of hospitality educators,” said Carl H. Winston, Director of San Diego State University’s School of Hospitality and Tourism Management.

  Marriott International, which has a substantial presence in China, has agreed to serve as CHEI’s initial industry advisor, according to Marriott International, Inc. CHEI will benefit from Marriott International’s experience in China, and from the company advising on curriculum relevance, assisting with data to measure program outcomes, hosting faculty internships at partner schools, and providing hotel internships for students.

  "The Marriott hotels in China are very excited to open doors of opportunity to Chinese youth," said Simon Cooper, President of Asia-Pacific for Marriott International. "We are eager to support CHEI’s efforts to prepare talented students for the diverse, fast-paced and fulfilling career opportunities that our hospitality industry offers.”

  Funded entirely by the Marriott Foundation, CHEI reflects the Marriott family’s ongoing efforts to help young people fulfill their potential and realize their ambitions. “The China Hospitality Education Initiative honors the legacy of my parents, and supports our goal of providing youth with educational opportunities,” said J.W. Marriott, Jr., trustee of the Marriott Foundation and executive chairman of Marriott International. “More than 90 years ago, a college professor saw potential in my father and helped him obtain an education. That provided him the knowledge and skills to start a family business that eventually became Marriott International. Today, my family and I are fortunate to continue this tradition."

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