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Director Of Sales And Marketing Appointed At Wanda Vista Taiyuan

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

  Ms. Echo Yue has been recently appointed to the position of Director of Sales and Marketing at Wanda Vista Taiyuan.


  Ms. Echo Yue has been recently appointed to the position of Director of Sales and Marketing at Wanda Vista Taiyuan.

  Since joining the hotel industry in 2001, Ms. Yue worked in Qingdao for the Sea View Garden Hotel and Shangri-La Hotel. Ms. Yue joined Wanda Vista Taiyuan during the preopening period in June, 2012 as Director of Events where she was responsible for the establishment and training of its sales and marketing team. Ms. Yue is an outspoken supporter of Wanda Vista Taiyuan, where her exceptional leadership, communication skills and contribution to Wanda Vista Taiyuan’scommercial success were responsible for her early promotion and increased future career opportunities.

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