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Dubai’s Underwater Hotel To Become A Reality

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

  Work is about to commence on an underwater hotel in Dubai, according to Drydocks World and Maritime World, the shipbuilding arm of Dubai World.

  In development with Deep Ocean Technology, the Water Discus Underwater Hotel will comprise a number of discs at depths ranging from 10 to 30 metres underwater.

  Each disc will be an independent structure coming together to form a larger complex. The modules can be used to build hotels in various sizes based on requirements by investors and clients, the company said.

  Drydock World & Maritime World chairman Khamis Juma Buamin said the company was delighted to be working such a “unique” project.

  “It is a matter of deep pride and honour for us that once again, we have been recognised as a facility which is able to construct and fabricate a leading design and a world’s first concept,” he asserted.

  “We look forward to the launch of construction very shortly and as always we are confident of providing a high-quality structure in a cost effective and timely basis,” he added.

  According to Deep Ocean Technology CEO Bogdan Gutkowski, there will other underwater hotels “situated in all parts of the world.”

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