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Chengdu's First-Ever Bubble Hotel Popped Up

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

  Ever feel like glamping would just be sooo much cooler if your tent was completely see-through? To acquaint Chinese customers with the product, BubbleTree installed one of their bubbles on a street corner in Chengdu last weekend.

  Ever feel like glamping would just be sooo much cooler if your tent was completely see-through? Well, a France-based company called BubbleTree has gone ahead and designed one. It's called a "Bubble", and it's made of clear vinyl that allows plenty of sunshine (or, in other cases, nosy neighbors) to filter through.

  To acquaint Chinese customers with the product, BubbleTree installed one of their bubbles on a street corner in Chengdu last weekend. And to make things really realistic, there was even a young girl living inside it for two days, going about her business like reading an iPad and reclining on the bed.

  Unsurprisingly, the stunt worked: the bubble hotel sparked the interest of hundreds of passersby (and just as many iPhone cameras).

  Inside, the girl sprawled out in her fully-furnished, 100% see-through hotel room (bed, table, dresser, armchair, ottoman all included) and showed the world how wonderful it was to be seen by…the world.

  Kinda makes you think twice about the expression "killer view", doesn't it?

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