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Peru Plans Off-balance, Cliff-edge Hotel

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

  After China s "Donut " Hotel (aka the Sheraton Huzhou Hot Springs Resort) hit monitors earlier this month, another eye-opening hotel design has just been announced

  While some architects compete over height, others compete with shape.

  After China's "Donut" Hotel (aka the Sheraton Huzhou Hot Springs Resort) hit monitors earlier this month, another eye-opening hotel design has just been announced -- also with a massive hole in the middle of the building.

  Designed by Spanish architecture firm OOIIO, the Unbalance Hotel resembles a tilted photo frame at the edge of a high cliff in Lima, Peru.

  "Lima hasn´t got a representative iconic building that brings the more than 8 million inhabitants of the city to be well known worldwide," OOIIO director Joaquín Millán tells us.

  "We wanted to create something radical, strong. A landmark, a building that makes you think, a shape that shakes your imagination.

  "We know that as soon as you do something that radical on such a dominant location there are going to be a lot of people hating it. And some of them also loving it.

  "This is what we want -- make people talk about architecture, and what to do and not to do with Lima's urban landscape."

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