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Five Most Influential Words In Hospitality Marketing

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

  In other words, these deceptively simple words have loads of persuasive power.

  Every copywriter or content marketer knows that there are some words that have more clout over the decision making process than others. Funny thing is, these powerful words don't sound so powerful or complex. After all, its simple language that makes it crystal clear to our audience what we want them to do.

  In other words, these deceptively simple words have loads of persuasive power.

  When advertising towards group travel or increasing group bookings at a hotel, strategically use these five words to speak convincingly to your potential clients.


  Innovation is thrilling, and it's extremely simple to excite your clients with "what's new" when marketing for hotels. Whether its new amenities, new design, new packages, new hotel marketing messages or new solutions to old problems, a commitment to updating is the key to keeping your potential clients ‘on their toes.' This consistent creativity will also allow you to have fresh items to promote your property.


  When writing any of your materials - sales kits, proposals, ads, etc - don't lose sight of answering your customer's BIGGEST question:

  What's in it for me?

  Human behavior studies have shown that when asking someone for a favor, you'll have a higher chance of success if you give them a reason. Your clients like to have a reason for doing something. Funny enough, even weak reasons are more compelling then no reason at all! Use ‘because' to create a purpose for your client to take action. But like favors - don't do this often.


  It's practically a guarantee - clients and hotel guests love reading their own name. Nothing lights us up more than seeing our own name in print or on a screen and we're more trusting and engaged in online hotel marketing messages that include our names.

  It's important to get personal with your customers, but don't make the mistake of writing generic, templated copy then simply slapping on a person's name at the top. The best way to use this - especially in email marketing - is to have separate lists based on personal interests or even geographic locations to personalize the entire message. Email marketing systems easily allow you to place a recipient's first name at the top of the email, and even in the subject line.


  No other word in marketing has a greater pull than ‘free'. Clients and hotel guests love that word so much that they're willing to even make different choices or change hotels, even when the value is the same.

  A complimentary breakfast - no matter how robust or bare bones - will always be more enticing than a luxury breakfast spread on a steep discount.

  People simply cannot resist a steal. Think of the properties with free parking, free freshly baked cookies in the lobby, free business center, or all the concessions you make during negotiations. It comes down to loss aversion. Your clients do not want to lose out on things. Plus, we all have a natural instinct to grab ‘low hanging fruit" that's ripe for the taking.

  Rule of thumb, use the word ‘free' only when it makes sense for your property or venue. And, only when you can keep it in the right context.


  Let's face it, our clients often want things yesterday. So, promising results while using words like ‘instantly,' ‘right now', or promising a response ‘ASAP' can be just the persuasive, yet subtle, push that can get your clients or guests to buy. This sturdy strategy for conversion is reliable as long you deliver on those promises of a speedy response or fast turn-around.

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