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HRS Hotels App Launches To Meet Growing Demand For Mobile

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

  Hotel portal HRS has unveiled a new app which will allow its clients to manage their rates and availability on the move.

  Hotel portal HRS has unveiled a new app which will allow its clients to manage their rates and availability on the move.

  HRS said the development was in response to growing demand for mobile solutions in the accommodation sector. It expects mobile reservations to hit 20% in 2014 from 6% this year.

  The app enables hotel owners to manage their non-restrictive rates and their restrictive rates as well as control availability, rates and conditions via smartphones.

  HRS said this will allow them to react to their current booking situation or new market developments instantly.

  The HRS website is responsive and will direct smartphone users to the version optimised for handheld devices.

  User can save the link as a favourite with a corresponding symbol, similar to an app. The application is available in English, as well as German, Italian, French and Spanish.

  Tobias Ragge, chief executive of HRS, said: “We want hotel owners to have the same flexibility in the administration of their rates and availabilities as we offer travellers with their hotel bookings.

  “The share of mobile bookings of the total booking volume in 2013 has doubled to 6% in comparison to the previous year and HRS is expecting an increase in mobile reservations to 20% for 2014.”

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