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How Are Hospitality Businesses Using Social Media?

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

  You work in the business of hospitality, here are a few key statistics that will open your eyes – both with the thought of opportunity and, in some cases, unbridled terror

  By 2015, it is estimated that nine in ten consumers will own a mobile phone. As it stands now, roughly a third of travellers have found flight information and hotel deals using mobile apps, and customers worldwide are increasingly using social media channels such as Twitter and Facebook to find out more about their travel plans and chat about their experiences. Indeed, 92 percent of global consumers trust the opinion of family and friends more than other forms of advertising.

  Which is all brilliant news if your hospitality business is excelling at their jobs. Slightly less welcoming if negative word of mouth is something that keeps you awake at night.

  This infographic from Best Hospital Degrees looks at why modern hospitality and first-class social media make such excellent bedfellows.

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