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Asian Hotel Investment Transactions Surge 145%

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

  Hotel investment volumes in Asia more than doubled in the first nine months of this year as robust tourism markets across the region helped boost sentiment among investors.

  Hotel investment transactions surged 145 percent year-on-year to US$3.9 billion between January and September as the Asian market continued to experience its strongest year since 2008, Jones Lang LaSalle’s Hotel & Hospitality Group said today in a report.

  In the third quarter alone, transactions hit US$1.2 billion, an annual increase of 41 percent.

  “Hotel trading performance in Asia has seen a significant turnaround over the past two years,” said Mike Batchelor, managing director of investment sales, Hotels & Hospitality, Jones Lang LaSalle. “Going forward, we are aware of approximately US$1.3 billion in exchanged contracts that will contribute to a very strong pipeline over the remainder of the year.”

  Singapore, which had strong demand from overseas investors given its consistently high occupancy rate and tourist arrivals, contributed 16 percent of the region’s transactions year to date, Jones Lang LaSalle said. While investor confidence in the region continues to rise, buyers are turning their attention towards markets such as Thailand, the Seychelles and the Maldives as the availability of investment grade hotels drops.

  “The market is beginning to feel some restriction from a limited pipeline of hotel listings, but the unrelenting strength of the demand from both private and institutional investors will ensure that transaction volumes remain healthy,” added Batchelor.

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