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Ctrip.com International's CEO Discusses Q3 2013 Results

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

  For the third quarter of 2013, Ctrip reported total revenues of RMB1.6 billion (US$268 million), representing a 32% increase from the same period of 2012. Total revenues for the third quarter of 2013 increased by 24% from the previous quarter.

  For the third quarter of 2013, Ctrip reported total revenues of RMB1.6 billion (US$268 million), representing a 32% increase from the same period of 2012. Total revenues for the third quarter of 2013 increased by 24% from the previous quarter.

  Hotel reservation revenues amounted to RMB611 million (US$100 million) for the third quarter of 2013, representing a 34% increase year-on-year, primarily driven by an increase of 40% in hotel reservation volume and partially offset by the decrease of commission per room night. Hotel reservation revenues increased by 20% quarter-on-quarter, primarily driven by hotel reservation volume growth.

  Packaged-tour revenues for the third quarter of 2013 were RMB320 million (US$52 million), representing a 43% increase year-on-year due to the increase of leisure travel volume. Packaged-tour revenues increased 71% quarter-on-quarter, primarily due to seasonality.

  Corporate travel revenues for the third quarter of 2013 were RMB72 million (US$12 million), representing a 33% increase year-on-year, primarily driven by the increased corporate travel demand from business activities. Corporate travel revenues increased 9% quarter-on-quarter, primarily due to seasonality.

  For the fourth quarter of 2013, the Company expects to continue the net revenue growth year-on-year at a rate of approximately 20-25%. This forecast reflects Ctrip's current and preliminary view, which is subject to change.

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