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Keep Hotel Marketing Simple

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

  For hotel marketing, simple and meaningful trump complicated and obtuse every time.

  For hotel marketing, simple and meaningful trump complicated and obtuse every time. Panelists underlined this tried and tested truism at the Independent Hotel Show held at Olympia in London on 30-31 October.

  Martin Evans, managing director of consultancy company The Tourism Business, said marketing needs to “tell the truth.” Toby Sawday, managing director of family publishing business Alastair Sawday’s, agreed, saying hoteliers must “decide what their product is, and who their market is, to avoid mismatched expectations.”

  "Keep people coming back, as it’s a lot cheaper to have them return than it is to get them there for the first time,” said Stafford Sumner, managing director of digital marketing agency Jarrang.

  The trick is to maintain good business practice within a simple set of parameters, panelists said.

  Dan Brod, co-owner of The Beckford Arms and The Talbot Inn, underlined the notion that attention to detail adds value over time.

  "You must have hundreds of little ideas, or you might be in the wrong industry,” he said.

  Brod said he avoided traditional hospitality suppliers, removed unnecessary items such as pants presses, strived to be over generous, supplied full-size bath products and made sure the books on the shelves were ones he’d also want to read.

  "Although, behind the scenes, management still needs to stringently manage costs,” he added.

  Focus on flexibility

  Simplicity emerged as the best way to help increase a property’s perceived value and guest loyalty. But flexibility is also important, especially in relating to potentially complicated notions as social media, and marketing and distribution channels.

  Even in this constantly shifting minefield, simplicity can win out, panelists said.

  "There is nothing we enjoy more than an email we can delete immediately, so keep it simple and to the point,” said Tom Bell, editor of Alastair Sawday’s “Special Places to Stay: British Hotels and Inns.”

  "Email marketing subject lines are critical to success. Emails should exactly follow traditional mailing methods,” said Brian Reeves, founder and CEO of marketing and revenue distribution consultancy Avvio, who added that he regularly saw strong success when hotel advertising mirrored TripAdvisor reviews.

  Bell said independents often choose to save money by foregoing good photography, and increasingly forget about direct mail advertising, which he said still works.

  "If your hotel wins a Michelin star, do not wait a month before telling people,” said Simon Willis, owner of branding and communications company Simon 4 Limited. "Conversely, do not leave an award from 2005 on the wall.”

  Softly driving rate

  Willis said while there will always be “offer junkies” looking for the cheapest rates, many guests do look at reviews.

  "Online reviews very often name-check staff, so hoteliers should keep an eye on this, as it’s through such things rate can be driven,” he said.

  "I’ve not come across a website that did not have sufficient visitors. The trick is how to convert them into paying guests,” Reeves said.

  Reeves was adamant in his plea that hoteliers include marketing costs as part of overall sales profits. He also said hoteliers need to work more aggressively with distribution channels.

  It is not just through savvy marketing that rate can be driven, however.

  Panelists suggested bartering hotel stays or meals for local art, which in turn might become genuine assets.

  "Ultimately, we create loyalty by underselling the property and then over-delivering,” Brod added. “And staff must fully understand the host’s concept of hospitality.”

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