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IHG Report Says Hotel Brands Must Be ‘3D’

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

  A new report from IHG surveying more than 7,000 international travelers said to win guest loyalty in the future, hotels must become “3D,” delivering localized and personalized experiences enabled by technology.

  A new report from IHG surveying more than 7,000 international travelers said to win guest loyalty in the future, hotels must become “3D,” delivering localized and personalized experiences enabled by technology.

  The report, “Creating Moments of Trust — The Key to Building Successful Brand Relationships in the Kinship Economy,” also found during the last 12 months, guests from emerging markets are traveling more than those in developed markets and have the highest expectations for hotels to deliver personalized experiences.

  Other findings from the report include:

  Travelers think global hotel brands do a better job than local hotel brands in several areas including safety and consistency.

  For the majority of travelers the biggest benefit personalization delivers is increased comfort during their hotel stay — 59% of travelers said their hotel stay will be significantly more comfortable.

  62% of Millennials said being able to access personal content such as movies or music would motivate them to return to a hotel compared to 55% of travellers of all ages.

  72% of travellers over 65 said a hotel that made it easy to make healthy food and beverage choices would motivate them to return, compared to 61% of Millennials.

  Based on this research, IHG has identified six “trust-building” actions that will help its hotel brands around the world deliver a 3D experience:

  Be consistent

  Deliver authentic local customization

  Create tailored consumption

  Support technology-enhanced service

  Personal relevance

  Use service to surprise and delight

  "Hotel brands have traditionally concentrated on being 2D — how to be both global and local,” said IHG Chief Executive Richard Solomons. “But our research shows that the rise of personalization means brands must be 3D in order to build both trust and lasting relationships with guests and to win in a highly competitive global market.”

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