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Poll Reveals Tech's Impact On Corporate Travel

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

  One fifth has an app that allows clients to book travel with them, more than one third uses online tools to drive compliance and almost two thirds believe mobile technology can help them keep travellers within policy.

  One percent of corporate travel buyers are doing all of their business online, a new poll shows.

  Research for next month’s Business Travel Show in London found that 60% are using travel alternatives such as video conferencing more than they did 12 months ago.

  One fifth has an app that allows clients to book travel with them, more than one third uses online tools to drive compliance and almost two thirds believe mobile technology can help them keep travellers within policy.

  The findings come from a survey of 183 travel and procurement managers ahead of the show at Earls Court on February 4-5.

  Technology takes up eight categories in a top 20 list of issues destined to change the face of travel management in 2014.

  Event director David Chapple said: “The impact that technology has had on the business travel industry over the last 20 years is indisputable thanks in the most part to the internet, which made it possible to book trips online.

  "These days technology impacts every touch point along the travel buying process and the next task for buyers is learning how to utilise and integrate technology in a way that keeps travellers happy and compliant.”

  Survey results:

  Approx how much of your business is done online?

  <20% --- 17%

  20-40% --- 12%

  41-60% --- 20%

  61-80% --- 26%

  81-99% --- 24%

  100% --- 1%

  Are you using travel alternatives more or less than a year ago?

  More --- 60%

  Less --- 4%

  Don't know --- 36%

  Do you have an app that clients use to book travel with you?

  Yes --- 20%

  No --- 70%

  In the pipeline --- 10%

  Is mobile technology a friend or foe when it comes to traveller compliance?

  Friend --- 63%

  Foe --- 13%

  Don't know --- 24%

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