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New IHG Tool Focuses on Developing Holiday Inn in AMEA

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

IHG launched an online platform created to facilitate development of Holiday Inn and Holiday Inn Express hotels across the AMEA region.

IHG announced the launch of Build for Success, an online platform created to facilitate development of Holiday Inn and Holiday Inn Express hotels across the Asia, Middle East and Africa (AMEA) region.

Build for Success provides an overview of the end-to-end design and development process. Upon the signing of a hotel management or franchise agreement, hotel owners and their teams can enjoy access to the platform, which promises to help them:

· Understand the various stages involved in the development process and get a birds-eye view of the   completed project

· Ensure their hotel design is consistent with guest expectations

· Reduce their design consultancy needs and corresponding costs

· Reduce their development and design risk

· Maximize revenue-generating space in the hotels

· Increase speed to market

The platform, created by IHG exclusively for use by its hotel owner and development partners, is designed to be customizable according to local market requirements. Owners can directly download design files and adapt drawings to their sites.

"The Build for Success model is our solution to developing even better-quality hotels under both brands and will help ensure our hotels open on time without sacrificing quality,” said Khirstie Myles, vice president, design and engineering, AMEA, IHG.

IHG has 109 Holiday Inn and Holiday Inn Express hotels open across 27 countries in AMEA, and an additional 89 properties are due to open in the next three to five years.

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