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China Home To One Third Of New Asian Hotels

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

  Almost one in three new hotels being developed in the Asia Pacific region are in China, a new report has revealed.

  Almost one in three new hotels being developed in the Asia Pacific region are in China, a new report has revealed.

  According to STR Global’s latest hotel pipeline study, there are currently 2,171 new hotels with 481,564 rooms either being planned or constructed across the Asia Pacific. And 144,954 of these rooms, or 30.1%, are in China.

  Other regional markets lag way behind. India has Asia Pacific’s second biggest hotel pipeline, with 189 hotels comprising 31,069 rooms, ahead of Indonesia (149 hotels with 23,778 rooms), Malaysia (39 hotels with 10,010 rooms), the Philippines (35 hotels with 8,183 rooms) and Thailand (34 hotels with 5,441 rooms).

  Approximately 590 hotels with 120,710 rooms are expected to open across the Asia Pacific region in 2014.

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