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Change The Conversation About Your Brand Through Great Service

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

  In the hospitality business, our customers talk. Denial will hurt those organizations who don t get service right every time.

  Your brand is no longer defined by your marketing strategy. Your messaging and market position are only reflective of the words you choose to describe your brand. And while knowing who you are and what you want your organization to be is a necessary first step, your market message today is truly defined by your customers. Actually, this was always the case; it's simply that prior to social media and travel tools like Trip Advisor, we were lucky enough to have more control and influence over public opinion.

  In the hospitality business, our customers talk. This is not news, and yet the time bomb is ticking faster than ever given how loud their voices are in today's consumer driven market. Denial will hurt those organizations who don't get service right every time.

  According to a recently published independent PhoCusWright study commissioned by Trip Advisor, there are a few stats worth paying attention to:

  • 77 percent of guests usually or always reference Trip Advisor reviews before selecting a hotel.

  • 80 percent of respondents read at least 6-12 reviews before making their decision.

  • When asked about traveler submitted photos, 73 percent of respondents said they look at these as they help them make choices.

  We all know the power of the conversations happening on Trip Advisor and other social media outlets that talk about what we offer and how we deliver the experience—the real question is what you do with this information. Firms like Revinate and other harvesters of consumer feedback that capture reviews and social media commentary are only as helpful as what you do with the knowledge they provide. Knowing what your customers think doesn't change anything. The real focus has to be on how you respond to them: what you change to improve their experience and exceed their expectations.

  Wouldn't it be nice if you could stop spending time doing damage control over consumer reviews, and start having tools like Trip Advisor increase your conversion rates? Smart hotels work feverishly to contact each customer that engages with them, thanking them for good reviews, as well as begging for forgiveness over bad ones. And yet, these properties may still hear the same feedback a month later. Where is the gap? The gap is in what matters most: correcting root problems rather than the negative symptoms they cause.

  Why Your Service Culture Matters

  Service is a culture. Training is a critical tool to reinforce your culture, yet at its core, your service is a reflection of your leadership's effectiveness (or lack thereof). Leaders must be proactive when it comes to correcting service problems, not reactive. Leaders must work with their teams to help them effectively address customer dissatisfaction. They must also develop and implement new processes, approaches, and learning based on the service problem that caused the dissatisfaction in the first place so that the problem does not recur. Resolving service problems—not just responding to them—means more customer satisfaction.

  The key to instigating service improvement—AKA change—is starting with the right people. We all say we know that people make or break service, and yet I am constantly astonished when leaders value technical skills or seniority over people skills. Service is about connection; you need people who like people. More than that, you need people who are engaged and care about their work. People buy from people they like. Who cares if someone has mastered your computer software or been with the company for 100 years? If they can't deliver a great service experience, you'll keep seeing the same negative reviews.

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