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Dominic Brennan Has Been Appointed GM At Hilton Xi'an

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

  Dominic Brennan has been appointed General Manager at Hilton Xi an in Xian, China. he will bring his rich experience and the unique perspective to the hotel.

  Dominic Brennan will report to Bruce McKenzie, senior vice president, Operations - Greater China and Mongolia. Dominic has a rich experience in hotel management, including commercial, operational, sales and marketing strategies, and revenue management. Mr. Bruce McKenzie said, “Working in the hotels for 37 years, Dominic Brannan will bring his rich experience and the unique perspective to Hilton Xi’an.

  He has worked in many international hotel brands around the world, renowned for quality and service. We wish that he would lead Hilton Xi’an from good to great.”

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