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Modular Concepts For Budget Hotel Construction

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

  A new construction concept— "modular concept " is rising in building budget and economy hotels, by which hotels made out of containers.

  Hotel made out of containers? What has recently been simply an architects’ vision is coming closer to reality. In Europe and USA, it's becomes more convenient to build budget and economy hotels using modular construction. Here are a few new hotel construction concepts.

  The InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) has a "Box Clever" concept for its economy hotel brand Holiday Inn Express. The hotel rooms are finished racks, so therefore the rooms can be composed piece by piece. Within few weeks a whole hotel can arise. Up to ten room units could be finished per day. Before construction, the room concepts will be planned in 3D simulations, including the furniture. Up to twelve floors could be built using this system, says the developer. 300 bed hotels can arise in record speed.

  In Germany there are more and more hotels made out of containers. In just ten weeks the Qualitel Hotel Hilpoltstein in Bavaria arose in modular construction. The specialized construction company “Alho” just assembles the room module units with a crane. The five floor high Qualitel Hotel was opened in August 2010. The construction costs for the 55 room hotel was just 4, 2 million Euros. In total 49 rooms modular were linked in skeleton structure. All rooms are equipped with an air-conditioning and a noise isolation as the hotel is directly located at the busy A9 motorway. The hotel also offers two disability-friendly rooms and four family rooms with a connecting door.

  New container concepts are just around the corner: hotelier Jens Diekmann designed a standard modular room for low budget hotels. The room units gauge 5.80 by 2.25 meter and offers a bed, bathroom and a little table. It will be possible to build a three floor hotel using these containers. Only power and water connections are needed. So new properties can arise and also dismantle within a minimum time. Another innovation in the hotel construction is the "lift-bed": At the touch of a button a hotel bed can be lifted underneath the ceiling. A bedroom will be transformed into a comfortable living room.


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