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Eleven optimizes mobile Internet experience for hotel guests

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

  Eleven has enhanced to its guest Internet management software, ElevenOS, which specifically focus on helping hotels optimize their guests’ experience on mobile devices.

  Eleven has enhanced to its guest Internet management software, ElevenOS, which specifically focus on helping hotels optimize their guests’ experience on mobile devices. For hotel guests, Eleven’s guest Internet login screen is completely mobile-friendly and uses responsive web design to provide the optimal viewing experience for different environments.

  The new standard login screen determines if the guest is connecting with a mobile device and redistributes dynamic page content based on that device. Not only does the page restructure to a vertical layout for better fit in portrait-orientation for most mobile devices, it also increases font size for readability on smaller screens and enlarges buttons and inputs for better compatibility with touch-enabled devices.

  Eleven created a second version of its login screen that re-styles the layout based on the browser width using CSS Media Queries and makes similar style changes listed above for small screen and touch usability. In this latest version of the ElevenOS login screen, the browser window size determines the layout instead of the device.

  Beyond aesthetics and ease-of-use, ElevenOS also helps increase load times for mobile users by trimming non-essential images and content from the login screen. ElevenOS re-authenticates guest devices based on MAC addresses, as some mobile browsers do not support cookies. This allows guests to stay logged in throughout their stay rather than having to login each time they connect to the hotel network.

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