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London Hotel Market: A Summer of Events is Drawing the Crowds to the Capital

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

  London’s hotel bookings for the weekend of ‘Trooping the Colour’ are at almost a third filled, with 60.8 per cent of rooms, on average, for the Friday and Saturday nights (13-14 June 2014).

  The pomp and ceremony of iconic events and international sporting contests continue to prove as strong booking drivers for London hoteliers, according to forward-looking data fromTravelClick, leading provider in hotel market intelligence.

  London’s hotel bookings for the weekend of ‘Trooping the Colour’ are at almost a third filled, with 60.8 per cent of rooms, on average, for the Friday and Saturday nights (13-14 June 2014). The annual event which marks the official birthday of the Queen includes a ceremony performed by the British and Commonwealth armies on Horse Guards Parade and is attended by the senior members of the Royal Family.

  The world’s most famous horse race, Royal Ascot, which sees a daily horse-drawn procession from Windsor Castle to Ascot Racecourse, led by the royal carriage, continues to drive summer hotel bookings in the Capital. On average, over the race dates (the nights of 16-21 June 2014), almost two in every three hotel rooms in London are currently booked (60.8 per cent).

  Sports are traditionally a great driver for hotel bookings and each year the Wimbledon Tennis Championships deliver for London hoteliers. As tennis fans prepare to descend on the capital to cheer on the athletes and enjoy strawberries and cream, almost half of hotel rooms (48 per cent) are full for the fortnight, at this point in the booking window (on average over the nights of 22 June – 6 July 2014).

  Information is based on data collated by TravelClick on 27 May 2014 from 113 London hotels with a combined capacity of 26,947.

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