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Air France-KLM takes the Winding Tree road

时间:2018-10-11 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Air France-KLM has taken a cue from Lufthansa to become the latest major airline to sign a deal with Winding Tree, the blockchain start-up looking to play disruptor with its decentralised travel ecosystem.

“With blockchain technology, we aim to revolutionise exchanges within the travel industry for our customers, companies and start-ups,” said Sonia Barrière, EVP strategy and innovation at Air France-KLM, who cited the drive towards greater personalisation and delivery of a better customer experience as two main reasons for the move.

The agreement with Winding Tree, announced today, is clearly part of Air France-KLM’s two pronged plan, as outlined by Taguet, to explore likely use cases. It is not only working in-house with external blockchain technology partners to experiment at the proof-of-concept level but also looking at industry wide collaboration.


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