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Axa Real Estate Buys A Hotel In Londan

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

  The real estate firm announced the acquisition of the Park Inn Hotel & Conference Center London Heathrow, for some 72 million pounds sterling, or close to 90 million euro.

  Axa Real Estate is bolstering its European hotel property portfolio and bought the Park Inn Hotel & Conference Center London Heathrow from Dania Properties Heathrow. The transaction is valued at some 72 million pounds sterling, almost 90 million euro.

  Rezidor group will continue management of the property through its lease contract for the brand Park Inn by Radisson. Located near London Heathrow airport, the four star hotel has 895 rooms and a convention center. It will soon be subject to renovations representing an investment of some 13 million pounds sterling, or close to 16 million euro.

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