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Best Western to focus on core, Plus in China

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Best Western’s development focus on secondary and tertiary markets in China means the country is likely to see growth in the company’s core- and Plus-designated brands.


  BEIJING—Best Western International’s focus on secondary and tertiary markets in China will mean growth in the company’s core and Plus brands, William Dong, president of Best Western International China, said last week during an interview with Hotel News Now.

  He said the company is looking to make a move into the western region of China, which is home to many of these tertiary markets, and Best Western’s Premier brand would not be as good of a fit as would its core and Plus descriptors.

  Dong declined to say exactly how many of these properties the company might look to develop in this region.

  “It’s tough to say numbers,” he said. “In China, the hotel developers, it doesn’t matter which international hotel chain, they always have targets, a budget, a business plan. But a lot of the challenges, we cannot control it.”

  He added he expects the company’s development pace to slow by at least 25%, in part because of delays in getting final approvals from Chinese authorities on building projects.

  The descriptor program does resonate with Chinese travelers, Dong said. That has especially been the case since more Chinese travelers have been traveling to places such as the United States and have stayed in various Plus- and Premier-designated hotels.

  The Premier descriptor began globally for Best Western in 2003, and the Plus designation began four years ago when the program was rolled out in the U.S. There are three Plus-designated properties under construction in China, with the first scheduled to open in October.

  Dong said there are no plans for any existing Best Western hotels in China to undergo renovation to achieve a higher descriptor. Those properties that apply for a 5-star designation from the Chinese government will be asked by Best Western officials to also designate as a Premier-branded hotel.

  Design and amenity standards

  Ron Pohl, senior VP of brand and member services for Best Western, said the membership company aims to be as flexible as possible with its owners and their individual hotel’s designation.

  “There is gray area between Best Western and Plus,” he said during a meeting with reporters. “There is flexibility with all of our owners in what they align to.” He added the company is more focused on design standards when it comes to maintaining a particular designation.

  There is also some flexibility as far as amenities offered at the hotels, Dong said. He referenced the Chinese traveler’s preference for a firm mattress. The company has adopted such mattresses at its hotels in China.

  As far as amenities at the company’s hotels, Pohl said some homogenization is taking place, and that’s being driven by a shift in how guests view their travel experience.

  For example, travelers used to accept that if they went to China, or France, that the coffee in their room might not be from Starbucks. He said that’s not the case anymore.

  “Now, it’s, ‘I want good coffee no matter where I’m staying,’” he said.

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