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“Sorry, I missed that…” nearly half of office workers admit to day-dreaming during a meeting at work

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

A study by Radisson Blu Hotels has found that office staff that have meetings at work, hold, on average, three meetings per day, lasting over an hour in total.

  \A study by Radisson Blu Hotels has found that office staff that have meetings at work, hold, on average, three meetings per day, lasting over an hour in total (68 minutes, rising to 74 minutes in London)

  1. This is the equivalent to over 10 million man hours each day spent in meetings in offices up and down the country;

  2. In extreme cases, some individuals attend more than ten meetings per day or say they spend over ;

  3 hours each day in meetings.

  Whilst many businesses see meetings as integral to the success of their organisation, the study suggests that the workers are not as engaged as perhaps they could be. Of those questioned, 27 per cent found the meetings that they attend to be average, whilst a further 15 per cent went one step further and labelled their meetings bad or very bad and a completely ineffective use of their time. The top three reasons given for meetings being ineffective were:

  •   no clear agenda (66 per cent)
  •   poorly managed (50 per cent)
  •   uncomfortable furniture (11 per cent)

  With other grumbles including poor room layout (10 per cent) and lack of refreshments (7 per cent).

  Perhaps as a result of one or more of the above, nearly half of office workers (47 per cent) admitted to daydreaming during a meeting, with 37 per cent admitting to missing a key point as a result. Nearly a fifth of attendees (19 per cent) have found themselves distractedly looking at their phone, while one in ten has actually even fallen asleep (11 per cent) or played a game to amuse themselves (9 per cent).

  Steve Manfield, Area Director, Marketing UK & Ireland for Radisson Blu said: "The UKs meeting industry generated £5.6 billion for the economy in 2013, therefore it's important that meetings are designed to be as productive as possible. Our study shows that people can often get quickly distracted and phase out during poorly planned and frequent work-based meetings in the office."

  Continues Manfield, "Our Radisson Blu 'Experience Meetings' concept was launched in response to changing customer demands and focuses on delivering seven key components for successful meetings to ensure that they are effective, efficient and engaging for all who take part. Radisson Blu has also developed a special Brain Food menu for meeting delegates, comprising nutritionally balanced and healthy food items to keep delegates alert3.

  "Radisson Blu is currently taking Experience Meetings to the public, with a purpose built events truck measuring over 20 metres in length touring the UK & Ireland during June and July. Guests entering the truck will get to learn more about the Radisson Blu meetings concept during a sensory experience – including live chef demonstrations and audio visual presentations.

  "By taking delegates out of the office and into a dedicated space which delivers expertly trained meeting planners, a specially designed menu, creative rooms and spaces and advanced technology, companies can ensure a more focused and productive workforce during those all-important meetings," continues Manfield.

  Starting in June at the Radisson Blu Edwardian Hotel, Guildford, the Experience Meetings Roadshow will run over a 7-week period, covering key locations throughout the UK & Ireland.

  The Radisson Blu Experience Meetings focuses on delivering seven key components for successful meetings:

  •   Brain Food, nutritionally balanced and healthy food items to keep delegates   alert
  •   Brain Box, a creative space, an alternative to a traditional meeting room
  •   Free & Fast WiFi for all Radisson Blu guests and meeting delegates
  •   Think Planet, a commitment to being a Responsible Business through Carbon   Neutral meetings
  •   Club Carlson Points for Planners, a personal benefit for meetings planners
  •   Meet Yes I can! a unique service philosophy for meeting delegates
  •   Meet Satisfaction, a commitment to deliver 100% guest satisfaction or your    money back

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