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NEW Research: How Do Event Planners Choose a Venue?

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

The research is about how people are making purchasing decisions and how you can alter your marketing strategy to influence planners to book group business.

  \There’s a lot of market research about how consumers make personal purchasing decisions. Apart from that discussion, you’ll find research about how people make B2B purchases, such as a planner booking a venue for group business. I find it interesting that the research appears to remain separate. Is the process for someone researching a hotel for vacation truly different than an event planner researching a venue?

  Is it emotional vs. rational purchases? It’s okay to question the research.

  I’m going to explore recently published findings about how people are making purchasing decisions and how you can alter your marketing strategy to influence planners to book group business:

  Influence Mix - It’s believed that “influence mix” is the core framework behind how people are making rational buying decisions for hotel purchases. The sources in the “influence mix” include prior preferences, beliefs and experiences (P), marketers input (M), and other people including information services (O). Buyers are less dependent on brand name, loyalty and price and more focused on making decisions based on better information available (finally, right?).

  Since “O” (other people and information services) weighs heavily on decisions, brands can help consumers make rational decisions through reviews, relevant content marketing, and easy, accessible information. The information then starts to become a part of building an opinion and a brand preference. According to the author, “‘P’ is created by prior ‘O’ and ‘M’ influences. So even when ‘O’ is important, it may not continue to stay important over time as its impact is codified into ‘P.’”

  Key finding: When it comes to booking hotels, it’s become less about brand loyalty and more about rational decisions from information and what others say…

  B2B buyers perform extensive online research - Google worked with Corporate Executive Board’s Marketing Leadership Council for two years to survey 1,500 business leaders who are involved in B2B purchases. They discovered that B2B buyers such as event planners, will research extensively to “validate and inform their purchase decisions.” In fact, 72 percent of product research for a future purchase begins on Google (skyword.com). It was interesting to discover that 57 percent of the buyers’ research is complete before they contact the business.

  Key finding: B2B buyers are not impulsive. They’re information hungry so it’s imperative to ensure that a strong B2B marketing strategy is in place, including search engine key terms that are appropriate for each stage of the purchase cycle.

  Content marketing is on the path to purchase - From the research above, we discovered that event planners will perform extensive research to eliminate venues before submitting a RFP. Recent research proved that B2B buyers will rely on search engines to find content sources. Of all content marketing, B2B buyers believe editorial content with problem-solving insights is the most influential type of content. Social media is also considered a reliable source for planners.

  Key finding: Editorial content and in-depth insights will help planners and your venue “make the final cut.” Be sure to match content with appropriate channels for planners who are at different stages of research. Extend the venue’s social media to include eye-catching headlines, resourceful content and captivating visuals.

  From influence mix to recent research by Google and salesforce.com, proves that accessible information online plays a large role in B2B purchasing decisions. To remain relevant and appeal to planners booking group business, it’s critical to develop your content marketing strategy, and search and social presence. Whether you’re at a brand hotel or an independent, you have a fair chance at influencing planners to book - as long as your hotel is visible in search marketing towards business travel and providing informative editorial content.

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