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Guestline and Best Western Two-Way PMS Interface -now Live!

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Guestline announce that the Best Western Two-Way PMS Interface with the Rezlynx property management system is now live.

  \Guestline are delighted to announce that the Best Western Two-Way PMS Interface with the Rezlynx property management system is now live.

  Following on from a successful test pilot at the Best Western Forest Hills Hotel in Cheshire in May 2014, deployment is progressing at a rapid rate with further installations scheduled in a number of Best Western hotels across the UK over the coming weeks. The most recent integration at the Best Western Plus Centurion Hotel in Somerset has just been successfully installed and is now live.

  This will be closely followed by another 35 hotels, who have already contracted for the Two-Way CRS interface, once full certification has taken place. Best Western are in the process of finalising the installation schedule which will involve the Guestline operations team being onsite at the hotel to ensure a smooth integration. They will also carry out a comprehensive training program with the hotel staff to ensure everyone is fully knowledgeable on the new system.

  Joanne Preece, Two-Way Interface Manager at Best Western Hotels GB commented 'I am delighted that the interface is functioning correctly and working well at these first test properties. Many more installations are planned over the coming weeks with a few hotels still needing to confirm their installation dates so that we can schedule them in; this will ensure that both BWGB and Guestline have the right amount of resource available to all members who wish to install the interface by December 2015.'

  Andrew Williams, Guestline Development Director, who has been instrumental in development of the new interface, added 'I am delighted that Guestline's PMS is the first native web based system to go through the Best Western Two-Way Interface certification program. Being centrally hosted, our PCI Compliant interface is easy to deploy and manage which takes away a lot of the pain for the users. The interface works seamlessly with Guestline's integrated web based distribution solution to deliver two-way connectivity with Best Western CRS, allowing the users to manage their rates, availability and restrictions directly from the PMS.'

  Best Western have got 280 personality packed hotels across the UK, 190 of which still need to install a new two-way interface by December 2015 in order to comply with the Best Western Two-Way PMS Interface Mandate.

  Hotels will need to comply with the mandate in order to continue trading as a member. Guestline have already installed 50 plus hospitality and hotel management solutions into Best Western hotels, but all hotels will have to integrate existing systems into the new interface.

  Phil Davidson, Guestline Managing Director said, 'We are delighted to have the Best Western CRS interface up and running and will be working closely with all of our existing and prospective Best Western customers both in the UK and internationally to install this as soon as possible'.

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