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Ten Ways You Can Tell If a Hote l is Truly Focused on Service Excellence

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Here are ten quick ways to tell when a team or company is truly focused on service excellence.


"If it weren't for these guests, I could get my job done!" Believe it or not, I have heard that exact phrase on more than one occasion. Some people view the guest as an interruption of their work. In their minds, guests complicate things, cause stress, and get in the way of an, otherwise, enjoyable job. The point that is sorely missing is...THERE IS NO JOB without the guests. It may sound ridiculously obvious, but many people completely miss that point. Guests are not an interruption of your work, they are the purpose of it. 

In my mind, serving, giving, sharing, helping and teaching are all pointing to the exact same thing. Regardless of the industry, everyone's job exists to do something for someone else. Period. You are either serving the guest, or you are serving someone who is.


Does this sound familiar? "If the lines weren't so long...if I didn't have so many emails...if I didn't have so many requests, then I could get my job done." Never complain when you are busy. Rather, be happy and grateful when you are busy. Be appreciative that anyone wants anything from you and your team in the first place. That is what gives your role its significance; it's reason to exist.

The Last Person

The last person you serve at the end of your shift, should not feel like he/she is the last person being served at the end of your shift.

If I was coming to your house for Thanksgiving dinner, and arrived late, I'm sure that you would still be hospitable (offer to fix me a plate, etc). Similarly, if I come to your breakfast buffet five minutes before closing, I should not see you hurrying...rushing to break down the buffet. That would make me feel unwelcomed. In fact, the message is, "We've got things to do, and you (the customer) are getting in the way".


Being exceptional is a deeply personal decision. No one can MAKE you work like you own it. Whenever people do things they don't like to do, it shows. However, if there is honor for what you do, then you will consistently strive to present your work in the best possible light.

For me, it is very easy to tell when a team or company is truly focused on service excellence. Here are ten quick ways:

1. They make sure that EVERY employee loves to help.

2. They make sure that the greeter (or whoever the 1st touchpoint is) genuinely loves people (and is the happiest person on Earth...next to Mickey Mouse).

3. If there is a problem or complaint, they own it and proactively follow up with you until they know you are satisfied.

4. They emphasize that the fond farewell is just as potent as the warm welcome.

5. They make sure that all staff feels empowered (because they know that customers judge the service quality by the responsiveness of the 1st person they give their issue to.

6. They make a habit of regularly soliciting and celebrating examples of exceptional service.

7. Any sign of apathy is immediately addressed and corrected.

8. They look for additional ways to be of service (after they've already complied with the customer's request).

9. They have a habit of freely offering advice and/or resources to help maximize the overall service experience.

10. They have multiple ways of soliciting feedback about the service experience.

In my opinion, one of the most beautiful things in the world is seeing someone work with deep passion, pride and professionalism. This is especially true in the hospitality industry. An engaged team leads to engaged guests, who return and refer consistently. So use the ten points above to re-focus, re-energize and re-commit your team to being exceptional every day.

About the author

Dr. Bryan K. Williams is the Chief Service Officer of B.Williams Enterprise, and has facilitated workshops and delivered keynotes all over the world for various companies. He speaks on a variety of topics related to service excellence, employee engagement, and organizational improvement. As a consultant, Bryan works closely with companies to design, develop, and implement sustainable service strategies. 

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