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Navy Pier, Inc. Issues Hotel Developer RFQ/P

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Navy Pier, Inc. (NPI) is issuing Part I of its Request for Qualifications and Proposal for Hotel developer for the project referred to in NPI’s Centennial Vision and as detailed more specifically in this RFQ/P.

Navy Pier, Inc. (NPI) is issuing Part I of its Request for Qualifications and Proposal for Hotel developer for the project referred to in NPI's Centennial Vision and as detailed more specifically in this RFQ/P. NPI invites hotel development firms experienced in the development, financing, operations and ownership of hotels to submit a proposal outlining their qualifications in response to this RFQ for Navy Pier's hotel development. NPI seeks to establish a shortlist of qualified hotel developers that will be invited to submit proposals as part of Part II of this RFQ/P process.

NPI seeks the development of a hotel of approximately 150 rooms, to a maximum of approximately of 225 rooms, to be built above existing portions of the east end of Navy Pier through a long-term air rights lease with NPI. The RFQ/P will outline the scope of services requested by NPI, including financing and developing a hotel on leased air rights over a portion of Navy Pier.

For Part I, firms will provide a written response outlining their qualifications, knowledge, and experience in developing, financing, owning and operating hotels. Part I submittals are due no later than twelve o'clock noon (12:00 PM) central time on Tuesday, August 12, 2014. In Part II, NPI will request additional information, including a proposed brand/hotel concept, proposed operator, project budget, conceptual design, project schedule, financing plan and economic proposal, and other relevant information. This information is not to be submitted as part of the Proposer's Part I submittal.

For more information on the RFQ/P for Navy Pier's hotel development and to register as a document holder in order to be included in future communications, please visit www.hundenpartners.com. Proposers are to contact Rob Hunden at Hunden Strategic Partners via email at navypierhotel@hundenpartners.com with questions concerning this RFQ/P.

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