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Mr. Kevin Zhang Appointed Board Member of Austcham Beijing

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Mr. Kevin Zhang, Argyle Hotel Group’s (AHG) Chief Executive Officer has been appointed to the Board of Directors of the Australian Chamber of Commerce, Beijing (AustCham Beijing).


Mr. Kevin Zhang, Argyle Hotel Group’s (AHG) Chief Executive Officer has been appointed to the Board of Directors of the Australian Chamber of Commerce, Beijing (AustCham Beijing).  The Patron of AustCham Beijing is H.E. Ms. Frances Adamson, Australian Ambassador to The People’s Republic of China; other board members include Austrade’s Trade Commissioner for Beijing, Mr. David Dukes.

AustCham Beijing is instrumental in the facilitation and growth of Australian businesses operating in China, it is also a source of information and utilises its influential network to help such businesses.

Mr. Kevin Zhang is proud to be the first Chinese born Australian nominated to the board and will bring a wealth of knowledge in the areas of hospitality, tourism and entrepreneurship.  In addition to his executive responsibilities, Kevin is involved in tourism events, both in China and Australia and often advises Australian companies who want to enter the Chinese market.

Argyle Hotel Group has had continued strong growth and expansion throughout China with 54 hotels, 11,832 hotel rooms and US$ 2.8 billion of assets now under management. The group has shown great initiative in expanding its business frontier throughout greater China with many of the developments in second, third and fourth tier cities.

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