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Marriott International “maps” out pioneering hospitality education program in China

时间:2015-06-19 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

Marriott International, Inc. (NASDAQ:MAR) today announced a “Marriott Apprentice Program” (MAP program).


Marriott International, Inc. (NASDAQ:MAR) today announced a “Marriott Apprentice Program” (MAP program) in collaboration with the prestigious Nankai University and American Hotel & Lodging  Association Educational Institutefor China. This is a pioneering hospitality education initiative that innovatively integrates a prolong internship with both campus and online learning.

The Nankai University is going to enroll students nationwide for the MAP program. The enrolled students are expected to undergo a five-year comprehensive hotel education program that consists of 18 months of learning on campus, 38 months of combined online learning and internship at Marriott hotels in two phases, as well as a final evaluation featuring progressive performance appraisal of the internships.

Students who have successfully completed the MAP program will receive graduation certificate fromNankai University as well internationally recognized certificates from American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute.  They will also receive supervisory job offers from Marriott International. For those outstanding graduates of MAP program, they will seamlessly be connected to Global Voyage Program, Marriott’s proprietary “future leader incubator” targeting elite university graduates worldwide. 


“We are honored and excited to work with Nankai University and American Hotel & Lodging Association Educational Institute on the MAP program. This collaboration will not only benefit the long-term development of Marriott International in China, but also help take the country’s hospitality education to the next level,” said Regan Taikitsadaporn, Chief Human Resources Officer for Asia Pacific of Marriott International Asia.

“The MAP program is another vivid example of our company’s motto that we open doors to a world of opportunity. China has abundant supply of talents – Giving them the right kind of training, coaching and support, they will shine and become high caliber professionals for our industry,” Taikitsadaporn added.


“The MAP program represents the cream of both local and international hospitality education that is being backed by comprehensive internship opportunities from one of the most established hotel groups worldwide,” said Guan Naijia, the Vice Chancellorof Nankai University.  “The three partners are offering our potential students with a unique package of theoretical and internship education that is exceptional in China.”


“Our institute has over 60 years of experience in providing working hospitality professionals with education and training. We continue to meet the needs of the industry with a variety of hospitality solutions that conform to the best practices in the hotel and lodging sector. We are pleased to work with Marriott International and Nankai University to make a contribution to the development of the hospitality industry of China,” said Leon Shi, Country Manager of Operations – Greater China of the American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute.


Nankai University is going to enroll students for the MAP program since today. The annual intake will be determined in accordance with Marriott’s projected demand for supervisory associates in China in five years. The 2014 intake will be 150 students.

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