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Leisure Pass Group, Ctrip to entice Chinese travellers to London attractions

时间:2018-06-22 来源:行者旅游 TripMaster.CN 官网:https://www.tripmaster.cn

While London’s tourist attractions are set to welcome the surge of Chinese travellers, attraction pass company, Leisure Pass Group, partnered with Ctrip to cater to their strong demand.

The strategic partnership is expected to create an array of offerings to featured attractions, which include iconic sites such as the Tower of London, Windsor Castle and Westminster Abbey, as well as hop-on/hop-off bus tours, Thames river cruises and many lesser-known ‘hidden gem’ attractions.

But London is just the beginning. Down the line, Ctrip will be rolling out white label versions of Leisure Pass Group’s passes in New York, San Francisco, Las Vegas, and Paris during this year.

The deal will leverage each of the company’s strengths.

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